My name is McKenna. This is my blog of my chronicles living in Puebla, Mexico teaching with the ILP program from January- April of 2011. What a GREAT experience I had!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Making preparations to leave Mexico then readjusting to life back in the U.S. took up most of time.

I never gave an official, "I'm home!" or "I'm leaving!" when I left last year, and I have often regretted it.

I've been feeling especially nostalgic these past few months over the experience I had, the wonderful people I've met, and the lessons I will never forget.

Maybe I didn't go somewhere historical like China, or rich in tradition like England- but I absolutely do not regret it.

Mexico helped me to grow in ways I never expected; I learned about service, camaraderie, fierce family values, making due, and perseverance. I will always cherish my experience.

Here's to you, Mexico.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Developments

I feel the need to, yet again, apologize for my absence from the blogging world. 
And its very ironic whenever I slack on blogging, because it's usually around a time that I really really should be blogging.

But to be honest?

I'm OK with not having kept up very well. Because I have been enjoying myself more than I ever have in my whole life.
I wish I could convey to you all how much I absolutely LOVE it here in Puebla.
The city is big and exciting, the people are friendly and diverse, the culture is traditional and yet refreshing, and I thoroughly enjoy just taking walks around my neighborhood.
And I am genuinely sad that it has almost come to an end.

It's somewhat typical that the best part of the trip would be so close to when its over, but I'm OK with that, because a part of me feels that that is how it should be. 
So here's some pictures to take you through the last few weeks and some of my favorite experiences.
Mexico, I love you.

For those of you who don't know, I got bangs. And yes, I cut them myself. All hairdressers reading this are now cringing (sorry Jacque!!) But I wasn't left with much of a choice, and my bangs were getting dangerously long. So I took a pair of the best scissors I could find, went into the bathroom and took care of business. And may I just say that I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome...

On a trip to a neighboring city called Tehuacan, we went to a privately owned zoo that we had heard about from past ILP teachers. We heard a rumor that it was frowned upon by our program to visit, but there wasn't any rule against it and there was a good sized group of us- so we felt safe enough to at least check it out. I though about why it might be frowned upon to go while I was in the zoo, and the only reason I could think was that a zoo like this would never exist in the States. Many codes and violations would have been broken. We were petting and feeding white tigers, grizzly bears, jaguars, lions, monkeys, snakes, buffalo, camels and seriously- all KINDS of animals!! It was incredible! Total once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
And best of all, I made a new friend.

This is Kata. The owner of the zoo told us she didn't have a name, and that we could name her. So, Kata. Do I think he will keep this name? Doubtful. Did it take away from my excitement? Not at all.

We also went to Lucho Libre.

Now before I tell you something, I have to say in my defense that the only experience I had to relate any sort of Lucho event was watching Nacho Libre.
It is because of this that I forgot that Lucho Libre, in all its flashy spandex glory- is completely fake.
They pretty much dance around the ring in choreographed "fights" doing some cool flips and jumps. 
And I ate ate up every single minute of it.

These guys won the big match. We were rooting for them and even gave them nicknames which I cannot write on the internet. Mr. 80's hair on the right wore cute little spandex that said "RUSH" on the bottom. Complete with his knee high tassle boots and shiny hair, he immediately became my favorite.

Gotta love Lucho.

I mentioned last post that it was Carly Kay Berg's Birthday!
We put together a super cute surprise dinner for her on the upstairs patio of our school, complete with, streamers, kid-sized tables and chairs, apple cranberry cider, my 'Bolivian' salad, fresh whole grain bakery bread, and of course- confetti cake and cupcakes. It wasn't technically confetti because they don't actually have confetti cake here (CRAZIES!!!!!!) so we bought vanilla cake mix and put rainbow sprinkles in it :)

But the best part of the Birthday was being able to uphold the Berg family tradition for Birthday's!
Every Birthday in Carly's family, whoever happens to have gained another year looks forward to not one but two delicious confetti cakes. One for everyone to eat and enjoy, and another to have your face smashed in. 

I, being as kind-hearted as I am, volunteered to help keep the tradition alive even though Carly's family wouldn't be able to do the honors this year.

I actually think that this brought us closer together.

I like this picture a lot. I really feel like it does explain our relationship in some way. 

I apologize if at times the way I talk about Carly makes us sound like a married couple, but you have to understand that I spend 22 hours a day with this girl.

And lemme tell you, it is rouughh.

Just kidding Carl.

She's the easiest person in the whole world to live with.

Some of the group during dinner :)
It really was a spectacular meal.

The newest development in my life?

Ugh. Heartstrings. 

You see those faces?

They pretty much mean the world to me right now.
Teaching has been one of the most, if not the most, rewarding experiences in my life.

From left to right, Joaquin, Aylen, Cesar and Diana, have been the source of some of the most tender emotions I have ever felt.
They are sweet, smart, and they try so hard every day to get better.

And I have enjoyed every minute that I have spent with them.
As our time comes to a close, I've been thinking back on the progress we've made in reading and it was blown me away. They're ability to absorb knowledge baffles me, and I feel so blessed to be a part of it.
I would like to credit myself with some of their progress, but really, any other person could have and would have done just as good a job, if not better than me. They just needed someone to keep pushing them on. And it is going to be so hard to leave them but I find myself with so much hope for their futures. I want them to take this skill that they have learned with me and use it to do really great things with their lives. It makes me feel so great inside knowing that their futures will be bettered because of this program. I don't know what they will do, what schools they'll go to, or jobs they will have- but I would like to be bold enough to say that something, some experience, job, relationship or some other small thing, will go much better for them because of the time that ILP volunteers, like myself, have put into teaching them every day.

What a great experience this has been.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have 3 weeks left in Mexico.

In exactly 21 days I will be on a plane that will cross over the border and fly into Phoenix, Arizona (after a short layover in San Fran).

I honestly can't believe it!

This week has been so good for me. We've finally had time to make friends, of course its right before we have to leave, but we've been hanging out with the singles from my ward a lot and they're pretty much the most chill people I've ever met. There's a few a who speak English too, and even though it may be snobby of us we are definitely better friends with them than others.

Honestly? I'm really going to miss Mexico. It's going to be weird transitioning back into the student lifestyle, getting a job (by the way if anyone hears of any openings in Rexbug for Spring- hit me up!), and hearing everything in English.

I decided I'm taking a Spanish class when I get home. And you know what else? I have ZERO classes on Fridays this coming semester. I know its fantastic.

Anyway, back to Mexico.

Today is Carly Kay Berg's 20th Birthday!!!!

And she thinks that we have nothing planned for her. But tonight we're going to surprise her with a dinner party at our school with a bunch of our new friends and some delicious cake. Then later we're going to Cholula to watch some Aztec dancers jump around fires. Yeah, I'm thinking it will be her most memorable Birthday. And don't worry about her reading this, I'm on her like white on rice allll day. We'll see if she even gets the computer...

Yesterday we went to Metepec to go to a small water park and it was SO great. We just needed a nice relaxing day laying around, snacking, playing volleyball and swimming.

Weather? Fantastic.

Pool? Refreshing.

Town? Cute, quaint and totally Mexican.

People? The best.

Again, I'm going to MISS Mexico.
Goofy girl...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nothing Catchy

This blog was created for the purpose of talking about my Mexico adventures.

The things I do, the people I meet, the thoughts I have on the Mexican economy and such....

Maybe not that last one.

Although I have slacked for the past week or so at putting anything about my adventures, today I feel the need to simply talk about myself.

Is that OK with everyone?

Girls. We have these days. And frankly, I need some me-time. I could save you all the time and simply go buy myself a chocolate bar or something but I am going to be tough and resist the urge (or Mexican chocolate juuuuust doesn't really do it for me). Plus I just want to get some really personal things out on the table for the whole world to see. It's the world we live in folks.

It's OK. I'll be gentle.

I am missing home, alot.

I miss America, and all it's fantastic homey-ness to it. I've always loved being an American, but now more-so than ever I appreciate what it is to be an American. I'm not at all trashing on Mexican lifestyle here, but home is home, and America will always be my home. This doesn't mean I'll never travel again, because you know what? I believe that every single person needs to travel at least once in their lifetime. In fact, why is this sort of thing not demanded by our Government? Our society as a whole would be a much more open-minded, understanding, and appreciative one if we all had to get kicked out at some point for some good ol' global traveling.
I've lived in many different places within the States, and have liked every single one of them. Whether it's the warm beaches and rainy-winters of Southern California, or the frigid cold of Rexburg, I have a deep love for all the places I have been.

There is something about living in America that is deeply rooted in me and makes me feel so incredibly blessed to be a part of it. It's the freedoms, the history, the versatility, the melting pots that are some of our Nation's biggest cities. Maybe it's partially because of all the stares I get when I'm here that make me feel like I'm an important person just because of my birth certificate, but our capabilities and potential as a community are incredible. Absolutely incredible. I can go and do anything I would like, and I feel that because I was raised the way I was and where I was- I have the drive to as well.
It is sad to see so much potential and opportunity wasted on un-motivated people. One thing I've learned here in Mexico is that if you want to do something, YOU GET UP AND DO IT. Self-doubt seems much less prominent here, and I've no idea why.
All of my host siblings want to be doctors and CEO's of major coorporations. By the time I was 12, I wanted to be a secretary. A daggum Secretary people. What kind of flame-burning-inside-of-me-towards-success is THAT?? No offense to all of the secretaries out there. But if you don't dream big, you tend to stay small. And maybe that's where some people are content. There are many humble people out there who find happiness in a simple job that either works with their skills, or allows them to interact with people or maybe some other small quirk that they find attractive about it.
What I'm saying is we have a gift. So please, I implore all of you to do something today that shows your appreciation for America. Put your hand over your heart and whisper the anthem in the shower, recycle your soda cans, watch the East Wing (just kidding), have a BBQ complete with corn on the cob and a fruit salad, or go to a baseball game and sing your guts out during the 7th-inning stretch (I miss you Dodgers Stadium, your Dodger dogs... not so much).
It doesn't have to be big. Maybe thank your mom for not flying somewhere like China before you were born so you could have dual-citizenship.
OK. I'll stop on this subject before it gets more ridiculous.

I am having the absolute time of my life here. But here is a list of things that I miss, and maybe you'll find something that you can appreciate more.

  1. My pillows 
  2. The BYU-Idaho gym, and it's free-ness
  3. My family
  4. My roommates
  5. Cooking my own food
  6. Porter Park
  7. BYU-Idaho in general
  8. American fashion
  9. Driving
  10. Hot showers
  11. American comfort foods
  12. Church in English (you thought YOU could fall asleep in Sacrament? Psh.)
  13. Walking into a grocery store and knowing where to find everything
  14. Walls w/o graffiti
  15. Target
  16. Talking with people from home face-to-face
  17. The popular-ness of playing cards
  18. Bookstores
  19. Stores in general
  20. All of my friends
  21. American traffic. Lemme tell you, Mexican drivers? Muy loco.
  22. Sammy's
  23. Mashed potatoes
  24. Pools without yucky in them
  25. Walking down streets. I can't explain this one. I walk here all the time. I just miss it.
All in all though, it's worth it to miss all of these things. This experience is helping me in ways that I can't really even see right now. And I LOVE that I have the opportunity to be with such incredible people and experience some really cool things. So that when I have kids, I have the license to say "You NEED to get out of the country. Trust me."

Yup. It's all worth it.

Just in case you've all been incredibly bored for this little tid-bit. I have a present for you! Here are some pictures from last Friday night when me and the girls got bored so we decided to buy some really cheap shoes and make them all Mexican to take home with us. Little home-made souvenirs you could call em :)

My shoes before. Which I would totally wear as is.

Finished product. Although I made some adjustments not shown.

Happy little English teacher.

p.s. Thanks Dad, for not flying Mom to China before I was born. I'm sure you were tempted.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good good good good...

So many good things have happened to me in the past couple of days!! I went to paradise and got a tan on Saturday, I got to talk to my brother and sister-in-law on iChat on Sunday, have had a wonderful time teaching my ninos, started running again, found out we get to stay at a beach house for our finale vacation right before we leave, aaaaaaaaand......

Guess what guys.

My older sister? Jordan Kathleen Lawler?

 Is getting MARRIED!!!

It took me a couple days to find out for sure cuz I'm in flap-jackin MEXICO (first time since being here that I've actually been frustrated that I don't have a cell phone), but I talked to her yesterday on the phone and she is soooo happy. Which makes me happy. We're all just happy. Win win win.


J: "Blah blah blah blah blah"

M: "Oh yeah, blabbidy blah blah blah"

J: "McKenna. Blah blah blah. Guess what."

M: "... What Jordan??"

J: "I got engaged on Friday."

M: "AHHHHHH!!!!"

They're gettin murried just a week and a half after I get back into the States!! I am so pumped. She is going to look beautiful.

Her fiance is a stud, and I like him very much.

Aren't they smokin?

They will have good looking, soccer playing children.

Well I'm not 100% on the soccer thing. But good looking.

Happiness guys, I recommend it.

This weekend me and my compadres are planning on going fishing and going on a 126 hour hike. Approximately. Maybe it's only like 7 hours, but it will FEEL like 126 hours.

If I don't blog for a while it's because I'm dead.

Which CAN'T happen. I have a wedding to make it to people! And a niece to see born!

When I say 'see' I mean that in not the literal sense. 

I love my family.

Good good good...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feliz de Dia del Amor y Amistan!!

My regular day in Mexico:

- Wake up at 7:30 (uuuughhh)
- Go on a run around 8:00 
- Get back around 8:30 and shower, get ready (2 minute showers I mentioned before)
- Head to the school around 10:30
- Prep for the days lessons, write up lesson plans for next week, hang out with teachers
 (sometimes just tan)
- Set up my classroom 
- Leave the school between 2- 2:30 to get back for lunch
- Come home and do chores
- Ask if our family needs any help, to which they always respond "Set the table" I am now a very, very good table setter :)
- Read on the roof/ blog/ nap/ email
- Eat lunch till my tummy wants to 'splode
- Read more
- Head to the school at 4:00 to get ready for the little chillin to come 
- 2 hours of crazyness and fun until 6:30
- Clean up
- Have either a very quiet-on-account-of-how-tired-we-are walk home or a I'm-so-glad-everything-went-so-well-and-school-is-done-for-the-day happy walk home
- Chilllllll

Seems pretty run-of-the-mill, huh?
(By the way could I go any farther with these dash-type-sentence-thingys???)

Well, friends. Today my day has been interrupted.

By Valentine's Day :)

Not a horrible interruption if you ask me.

Carly and I went to the grocery store (La Gran Bodega) and bought our fam-jam a lil cake to express our lovey dovey-ness and appreciation for them.

Lemme tell you, friends- Mexicans know how to do cake.

Normally, I hate cake. In fact, I detest cake. The dry icky feeling in your mouth mixed with 10 inches of waxy colored frosting just revolts me.

But here in Mexico?

I love me some cake.

But the best best best best best best best part of my Mexican Valentine's Day was Secret Valentines with these awesome folk:

We did Secret Valentines between the five of us and it was so much fun. 

So here's some cute lil piccies from my Mexican Valentines day.....

Carly's Valentine was Jordan. Jordan loves pineapples so she bought him a pina and put the fanciest shmansiest wrapping paper ever around it.

My Secret Valentine was Cryshel. And she happens to love chocolate. And cereal. Sooo... GENIUS! Chocolate cereal. Aren't I intelligent? I also wrote her a poem, and here's an excerpt:

"She loves her cereal box.

And her wit? As quick as a fox.

People like her a lot

Good qualities she's got

Including her bodacious brown locks"

I'm just a modern Robert Frost, folks.

And guess WHAT???

I got my first valentine from a student!!!

She was a total sweetie, and pulled it out of all her backpack all shy and said "Here Teachar".

It was the best chocolate covered marshmallow cookie I ever had.

Here's a pic of the little cutie pie.

Here name is Aylen.
She just decided one day she wanted to wear her Snow White costume to English class.
Did she wear it to her other classes?
No. Just to mine.

Kate had me for Secret Valentines and she picked up some serious bling, knowing my affinity for tasteful accessories...

Jordan looooved his pineapple.

AND Jordan had Carly as well. So they were closest out of all of us to having a legitimate Valentines day. He stuck a bunch of candy bars all over a big heart poster.


Cryshel lovin on her cereal box.

Kate with her Twix and poem from Cryshel.

And me? Just enjoying the fruits of a good V-Day...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

El Ranchito

It has been a tough past few days.

I've felt a liiiiiiitle emotionally and physically drained. Which is never fun.

But let me tell you friends- there is a cure.



You don't agree? Well, I happen to love camping. I love being outside, and having a campfire, and sleeping in a tent, and getting away from the city.

So on friday night the 5 of us teachers, plus our other teacher friend Kristin and a bunch of our host families headed out to a family ranch about 20 minutes outside of the city.

I was really excited to just get away for a while and enjoy the un-cluttered lifestyle.

I won't lie though, camping has its downfalls.


  • Being greeted by about 100 daddy-long-leg-spiders in the shed
  • Freezing my toesies off at night cause I didn't bring enough blankies
  • The teeth-brushed face-washed clean feeling doesn't really exist
  • Sometimes, no matter where you sit, the campfire smoke always finds you
The food we ate was pretty interesting though.

Mexicans like hot dogs. They call them 'salchichas' here, and its kind of their replacement meat. They use it on sandwiches and put it in their eggs, and do all sorts of other things with them. They ALSO use them while camping. Kind of chalky tasting, but it helped keep the camping spirit alive.

My awesome ingenuity at work.
Branch with 10 pokey things on it makes for excellent quick-time hot dog roasting.

Then I held a chicken

And rode a horse.

Jordan on his horse.

Carly, Abraham and me.

This kid is so funny.

He is constantly turning to me and saying "Cool, huh?" in a cute Spanish accent.

Then we took a nice drive to a nearby park to have our picnic. We ate rabbit. Kid you not, the stuff tastes like turkey. Sorry Thumper!